• THG•昔夏未央     【坦坦翻唱盒子!】ep56#Shawn Mendes--《Stitches》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    好久不见!!前阵子因为去英国了> < 所以一直没更新~~嘛~从魔方的冷清程度也可以看出大家最近也很忙!!我们新学期都要加油!!❤️

    今天带来萌德的一首热单> < 本来不是我的风格,但是因为很好奇自己唱出来是什么样子,所以就唱了哈哈哈> ///< 以后也会经常有意外的歌出现在盒子里的www!



    (以后不出意外的话每首歌都会p一个封面> < 这次没写翻唱盒子只写了歌名,不过以前的几期节目已经换上盒子专属封面了!欢迎大家去找www)

    前不久才知道萌德的> <感觉眼睛很有小鹿的清澈感~长的真的很萌> ///< 青涩的少年感赛高~!希望不要过早转型呀💔 (虽然身材已经hhhh)

    特别喜欢欧美明星和粉丝之间那种亲切的关系ww逛个超市偶遇,或者在节目里给粉丝送pizza什么的> < 真的超级有爱~ 其实感觉对于明星来说,能和那么喜欢自己的人成为朋友也是件很幸福的事情!✨ 真的不懂国内明星的架子qvq 真的不累吗~~~


    嘛www今天没什么特别要安利的,大家就专心欣赏萌德的颜然后听歌好啦> <! 🌸 (突然意识到这么悲伤的一首歌我的配图怕是太阳光了23333)

    I thought that I've been hurt before
    But no one's ever left me quite this sore
    Your words cut deeper than a knife
    Now I need someone to breathe me back to life

    Got a feeing that I'm going under
    But I know that I'll make it out alive
    If I quit calling you my lover
    Move on

    You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking
    Falling onto my knees
    And now that I'm without your kisses
    I'll be needing stitches

    Tripping over myself, aching
    Begging you to come help
    And now that I'm without your kisses
    I'll be needing stitches

    Just like a moth drawn to a flame
    Oh, you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain
    Your bitter heart, cold to the touch
    Now I'm gonna reap what I sow
    I'm left seeing red on my own

    Got a feeing that I'm going under
    But I know that I'll make it out alive
    If I quit calling you my lover
    Move on

    You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking
    Falling onto my knees
    And now that I'm without your kisses
    I'll be needing stitches

    Tripping over myself, aching
    Begging you to come help
    And now that I'm without your kisses
    I'll be needing stitches

    Needle and the thread
    Gotta get you out of my head
    Needle and the thread
    Gonna wind up dead
    (这段x N)



    啊对T U T 网易电台真的不是我不准点更新,是它各种需要审核T A T 所以以后大概什么时候能传上去都看缘分了💔 刚刚7点试着传也不行T A T

    那这期盒子就到这里,我们下期再见吧😚 😚!

    1970-01-01   157赞       10踩       13280浏览 评论(99)
女 戏骨lv62


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