• 王毅Michael     容易说错的短句子

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    毅说晨读 day14


    1 Michael 我支持你
    2 有些年轻人喜欢留长头发
    3 她的大部分时间都花在闲聊上
    4 我把那本书看了一遍
    5 爱护草地,请勿入内
    6 护士量了我的体温
    7 你身上带钱了吗?
    8 不准拍照
    9 他的结论很正确
    10 他的文化水平有限



    1 Michael 我支持你
    【不地道】I support you, Michael!
    【地道】I'm behind you, Michael!
    2 有些年轻人喜欢留长头发
    【不地道】Some young people like to keep long hair
    【地道】Some young people like to wear their hair long
    3 她的大部分时间都花在闲聊上
    【不地道】The majority of her time was spent in chatting
    【地道】Most of her time was spent in chatting
    4 我把那本书看了一遍
    【不地道】I've read through the whole book
    【地道】I've read through the book
    5 爱护草地,请勿入内
    【不地道】Take care of the grass, please do not enter
    【地道】Keep off the grass
    6 护士量了我的体温
    【不地道】The nurse measured my temperature
    【地道】The nurse took my temperature
    7 你身上带钱了吗?
    【不地道】Do you carry any money with you?
    【地道】Do you have any money on you?
    8 不准拍照
    【不地道】Don't take pictures!
    【地道】No photographs
    9 他的结论很正确
    【不地道】His conclusion is very right
    【地道】His conclusion is quite right
    10 他的文化水平有限
    【不地道】His culture level is quite limited
    【地道】He has had little schooling.


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