• 柯柯魔     最棒的冬季体育运动

    • As Beijing becomes the first city to host both summer and winter olympics,

    • 北京将成为第一个举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的城市,

    • from:《北京获2022年冬奥会主办权》


    I am a little late in saying this, but Beijing won the Winter Olympics bid. Congratulations Beijing! I know I will try to be there in 2022 to see the Winter Olympics, especially because I love winter sports. I'm sure most people in China who know winter sports think about winter skating and skiing. Let me share some of my favorite winter sports though!

    Biathlon (两项竞赛)
    This sport consists of two sports together: shooting and skiing. Skiers ski through the course to a shooting range, shoot the target, and then ski down the course and reach another shooting range and shoot that target. They are timed and the fastest person who shoots all the targets gets the gold.

    Bobsledding (雪橇)
    Bobsled teams are fun to watch. There will be a team that sit in one car, and the they race down a track. Teams can consist of either two people or four people. They time the team, and of course the fastest bobsled team wins. However, this one can be dangerous sometimes, as people get hurt when the bobsled turns over or crashes.

    Hockey (曲棍球)
    Figure skating is beautiful and elegant, showcasing the skaters grace and talent...an ice ballet. Ice Hockey is the complete opposite. It is brutal, violent, relies on team work, and quick thinking rather than repeated rehearsal. Each match is exciting, fast-paced, competitive, and fun to watch.

    I would love to see more and more people interested in winters sports. These are some of my most favorite sports to watch and participate in, skiing especially! What do you think? What are some of your favorite winter sports?

    1970-01-01   42赞       0踩       1737浏览 评论(13)
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